Ultimate Guide On How to Work as a Nurse in Canada

Of course, if you are a Nigerian or non-Canadian, working as a nurse in Canada can indeed be a dream of yours. In this article, you will read on how to work as a nurse in Canada have been acknowledged, and in this article, we will do justice to that.

Generally, if you plan to work as a nurse in Canada, the immigration process is one part that has to be understood. You can figure out this on your own, but it is always best to consult those adept at this: the immigration consultants.

How to Work as a Nurse in Canada

So, before we get into things properly, you must understand the structure of this article. We will outline seven steps to work as a nurse in Canada from a foreigner’s point of view. Sit back and take a read-through.

Seven Steps on How to work as a Nurse in Canada

Education History and Scope of Knowledge

If you answered affirmatively to all those questions, that is excellent, but is that enough to work as a nurse in Canada? Not really. Work experience is also another thing. Countries don’t just fling open their doors to you because you went to school; their immigration authorities look out for those who can improve their country. Canada is no exception.

To boost your chances of working as a nurse in Canada, you should have at least two to five years of working experience as a nurse in your home country up your sleeve.

Evaluation of your credentials

It will be foolhardy if the Canadian government doesn’t evaluate the standard of your education from your home country before allowing you to work as a nurse in Canada. Thankfully, there is an approved body to take care of this. It is the National Nursing Assessment Service, or NNAS for short. At this stage, you decide which state you would love to work in as a nurse in Canada.

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Why is this necessary, you may ask? Every state and province in Canada has its own eligibility standards, which mean different requirements. Whether or not you are eligible to work as a nurse in Canada will depend on which state you want to work in.

Presentation of Approved Documents to NNAS

Well, you aren’t done with NNAS just yet. Choosing the state where you want to work as a nurse in Canada is just the beginning. Some of them are a Notarized Photo ID with a signature, educational documents (degree certificates, transcripts, course curriculum, mark sheets), proof of licensure sent in by the licensing authorities in your home country, an employment form, and an IELTS/CELBAN test.

English Requirements

This is only possible through the International English Testing System, or IELTS, which you must have been familiar with, or the Canadian English Benchmark Assessment for Nurses, or CELBAN.

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The minimum test score for IELTS is in academic format: speaking 7, listening 7.5, reading 6.5, writing 7, overall 7, and for the CELBAN, listening 10, writing 7, reading 8.

Apply to the state regulatory authority

Right after your documents have been evaluated by the NNAS. You will receive the go-ahead to apply to the state regulatory authority in Canada if their evaluation of your skill set matches the specific requirements of your preferred state.

It is at this juncture you will also know whether your current application is enough to begin work as a nurse in Canada or whether you might have to finish a course to bolster your application to meet up with the eligibility requirements in that state. All of these are recommendations the state regulatory authority will give.

However, if the coast is clear, you are ready to take your licensure examinations in Canada as a registered nurse or licensed practical nurse. The Canadian Council for Licensed Practical Nurse Regulators (CCPNR) also plays a role

Face and pass the NCLEX.

This requirement trumps all others because you can’t work as a nurse in Canada if you don’t pass these examinations.

Yes, each state and province has its requirements for the NCLEX. Positive NCLEX results in NCLEX are truly relative.

Would your visa be temporary or permanent?

There are two options for those who are from overseas: temporary and permanent visas.
Immigrating with a permanent visa is an entirely different process and can be much more difficult. But, with a temporary visa, all you might need is an employment letter, and from then on, you can work towards getting a permanent visa.

Start work

There are numerous other formalities that your employer must complete in order for your working experience to be a pleasant one.


If you noticed at all, we laid out the steps to working as a nurse in Canada from the perspective of someone who doesn’t reside in Canada. This is because working as a nurse in Canada can be a lot more direct for those who live there already; the complexities arise when you have different nursing experience from what you will find in Canada.

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